Impact & return

Invest in startups and make the world a better place!

Impact & return

Invest in startups and make the world a better place!

doneInvest with professionals in the best impact startups
doneUnique combination of return & impact
doneIndividual investments or portfolio composition from as little as €1,000
doneInvest with professionals in the best impact startups
doneUnique combination of return & impact
doneIndividual investments or portfolio composition from as little as €1,000

VC Magazin
Zeit Online
The European Online Magazine
Gründerszene Magazin
[Translate to en:] Unser Gründerpaar Ina und Ingo

Return and impact are not opposites

We founded capacura to invest in impact startups in the fields of education, health and the environment. Together with our investors and you, we actively take responsibility - for a better future!

Because we want to create the best investment in the world: The combination of economic success through highly profitable investments and the pursuit of a better tomorrow for us all. Out of conviction, we have developed an innovative business model that enables you to invest in impact start-ups from as little as €1,000.

We give you access and enable you to participate in the success of our hand-picked impact start-ups - as an individual investment or risk-minimized in our or your own portfolio. Through the combination of artificial intelligence and our many years of experience, we review thousands of startups and only invest in the best ones, where opportunity, return and impact are in an exceptionally good relationship.

Ingo & Ina Dahm, founders of Capacura

How to invest with capacura

With capacura, you participate in the economic success of start-ups in which capacura is invested via profit participation rights. In contrast to crowdinvesting, capacura (or our shareholders) is invested with you.
Unlike with funds, you can decide which startups from our portfolio are of interest to you and capacura also puts you ahead of asset management companies, as you can invest from as little as €1,000.

Nummer 1


Create an account with your e-mail address. Then simply verify yourself with your passport or ID card.

Nummer 2


The Investor Relations team will check your verification & approve you. In the meantime, you can take a look at the startups.

Nummer 3


Choose your startups from the capacura portfolio and subscribe to the investment via our website. If you like, you can ask us your questions at any time.

Nummer 4


All documents are displayed. Please confirm to invest. We will also send you all documents by e-mail and save them in your personal area.

Unsere beliebtesten Portfolio-Vorlagen

capacura Portfolio

capacura Portfolio

Das capacura-Portfolio streut die Investition auf alle verfügbaren Startups, in die wir investiert haben. Alle Unternehmen haben mit ihrem Geschäft eine positive Wirkung in den Bereichen Bildung, Gesundheit und Umwelt.

Wertsteigerung 32,8% p.a (Stand 31.12.23)Zum Portfolio


In diesem Portfolio sind alle Startups mit einem positiven Beitrag auf unsere Umwelt enthalten. Dazu zählen bei uns nicht nur Startups, die einen Beitrag zur Bewältigung des Klimawandels (UN Nachhaltigkeitsziel 13) leisten, sondern alle, die einen Beitrag in umweltrelevanten Themen wie die Einführung einer Kreislaufwirtschaft oder Projekte zum Arten- und Lebensraumschutz.

Wertsteigerung 28,5% p.a. (Stand 31.12.23)Zum Portfolio

Our investment focus

Bildung ist die Grundlage für Fairness in Gesellschaften


“A child, a teacher, a book and a pen can change the world.”

- Malala Yousafzai


Education for all is the basis for an inclusive and fair society, good coexistence and prosperity for each and every one of us. For this reason, we want to make education accessible to more people.

Bildung ist die Grundlage für Fairness in Gesellschaften


“You can't buy health in the supermarket. You have to invest in health.”

- Hans Rosling


Everyone wants to live a self-determined and healthy life into old age. That's why we want to work together to make this possible for as many people as possible!

Bildung ist die Grundlage für Fairness in Gesellschaften


“Our personal well-being is closely linked to the well-being of our environment.”

- Dalai Lama


We only have this one planet. Let's work together to take good care of it!

What do our investors say?

Christoph, Founder & Impact Recruiter at HappyHire

“I like the fact that capacura itself is invested in the portfolio start-ups and that I can put together my own portfolio of promising companies even with a small amount of start-up capital.”

Eva, Civil Peace Service in Uganda

“I invest with capacura because I want to support innovative organizations in the earlier stages and have worked for startups myself.”

Kai, Serial Climate Impact Entrepreneur & Investor

“capacura has its heart and brain in the right place: it looks at the impact on society as a whole and not just the short-term financial balance sheet.”

Isabel, Project Manager Ventures & Startup Collaborations

“As an inexperienced investor, with capacura I have an experienced partner at my side who invests in the startups himself. It also gives me the opportunity to invest in impact startups.”



Join the movement - rise by lifting others!

Invest with us from just €1,000 in impact startup portfolios. 

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